Investment Management

There is a much wider choice of investment vehicles than most people realise.

In the main, the difference from one investment vehicle to the next is due to the tax treatment which is why they are often referred to as tax wrappers when defining different types of products or investments.

At MI & AS we aim to use investment vehicles as are appropriate from time to time in order to maximise returns to clients whilst managing the risk clients are prepared to accept.

Whether we are investing money for clients in ISAs, bonds, pensions or any other tax wrapper, the underlying strategy needs to be the same in terms of flexibility of approach and consistency of application.

The proper assessment of risk and the application of the assessment to the construction of investment portfolios is only the first step in attaining success in any long-term strategy.

It is important to monitor and review investments and make changes as are appropriate.


We have always offered bespoke client portfolios as we consider they are better able to accommodate both the individuals risk profile as well as the market environment, both of which will change over time. This is not to say that we ignore other methods of portfolio management but when we last surveyed our clients they preferred to maintain the bespoke service offering.

All portfolios need to take account of the client’s appetite for risk, their objectives and the time horizon together with their capacity to withstand the changes in the value to their portfolios during an investment cycle.

The assessment starts with an understanding of the client’s financial circumstances and objectives, followed by the completion of the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire, to ensure that the advice and portfolio construction reflects what is required.


The funds which form part of any portfolio will have undergone a due diligence process which starts with the monthly investment meeting, which considers the macro economic environment and its impact on asset classes and therefore the weighting to funds.

On a quarterly basis we invite representatives from various investment houses to attend our meeting, to share their house view and open a wider discussion in respect of our own view on asset classes.

The active funds recommended are assessed using independent rating agencies and research companies – Lipper, RSMR and Square Mile. Alongside  which we will often include passive, tracker and exchange traded funds where possible and only when they hold the underlying asset.

Retirement Planning

Estate Planning

Family Protection


In September 1881, Godalming became the first town in the world to have installed a public electricity supply, which made electricity available to consumers. It was Calder & Barnet who installed a Siemens AC Alternator and dynamo which were powered by a waterwheel, located at Westbrook Mill, on the river Wey. There were a number of supply cables, some of which were laid in the gutters, that fed seven arc lights and 34 Swan incandescent lights.

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